Saturday, 15 June 2013

The 16 Types of Profile Pictures on SiteTalk

 The 16 Types of Profile Pictures on SiteTalk

Just for fun!

It’s the first thing you see on somebody’s profile – the profile picture. With people changing their profile pictures more often every year, you have to wonder, what kind of pictures are people putting up? In years of SiteTalk-ing [read: SiteTalk Stalking] we have found there are 16 types of profile pictures that you are bound to run into in a quick browse of your own network.

Your profile picture represents you. You want to convey that you're fun, interesting, well-traveled, worldly, witty, or any number of likable, desirable qualities. But we're also really predictable—our profile pictures can be boiled down into 16 specific categories.

Like the cover of a book or a movie trailer, your profile picture tells people what you're about and why you're about it. It's a chance for you to brag, and we've got you pegged.

Now, it's not to say any of these profile picture choices are wrong, although some might err on the annoying side. Look at your friend's profiles. Look at your own profile.

You probably fit into one of these 16 camps: 

The Hello We're In Love Picture

Recently engaged? Married? Blinded by the overwhelming power of love?

This one is simple to spot. It's an engagement picture, perhaps a shot of a couple with arms around each other.

The relationship picture is you telling the entire SiteTalk community “Yeah, I’m taken.” Occasionally graduates into the even cutsier “Just Married” picture.

The Look at the Baby, Look at the Baby Picture
Also known as the “He looks just like me…right?!” picture and the "How great are my genes" picture.

You procreated! We know this because we see your spawn on your profile picture. The successor to the “Just Married” shot, this picture is often seen of the adorable newborn sleeping in a blanket or curled up in someone’s arms.

 The Childhood Picture

Whether it’s when they were a baby, or as a toddler wearing some type of odd clothing, this one is a classic.

Typically accompanied by the comment “omg you WERE so cute, lol!” Otherwise known as the “I wish he had grown out of that haircut” picture.

The Traveler Picture

Typically seen right after someone goes on vacation – usually in front of a notable landmark like the Eiffel tower or the pyramids. Also known as the “I’m worldly and having fun, jealous?” picture.

Look, you already spent two weeks in Maui while the rest of us slogged through the winter. Do you have to rub it in our faces by changing your avatar to a shot of you lounging in white sands not working at all?

The Pet Picture

This is the picture of your dog, cat, or parrot catching a Frisbee, sleeping or just generally being cute.

Sure, you love your pet as much as the next guy. But more, because your pet IS you. At least according to your profile picture...


The I Met Someone Famous Once Picture

Some use this profile picture as a setting to broadcast your famous connections. Or that you once touched someone who had a cameo in the third season of the West Wing.

The Swimsuit Body Picture
You're hot. You're proud. You want to show off the goods to 1,000 of your closest friends.

However, your picture feels slightly NSFW (not safe to be viewed at work).

The Cartoon Picture

And then there’s the picture that isn’t actually you.

People put them up because they really love the cartoon character, or because it reminds them of them. Also known as the “No, really, what do you look like?” picture.

The I Love My Friends Picture

This is most common with girls – most often seen in a large group making it impossible to tell whose profile you are actually looking at. Usually comes with a caption like “<3 forever!” or “me and my best girls!”

The I Love My Friends But I Love Myself More Picture
This is the photo of the girl who crops everyone else out of the group photo.

Also known as the “ignore the half of a face on the top corner of the picture and redirect your focus on me” picture.

The Mac Picture

You typically see this photo when someone first gets a MacBook.
It’s the Andy Warhol photo, or the photo with someone being pinched in the background, or mirrored on the other half. Otherwise known as the “iPicture.”


 The Self Take

Also known as the i-look-too-good-right-now-to-not-have-anyone-taking-a-photo-of-me shot.

Often seen as “the mirror shot,” where the flash or the camera covers the photo takers face, but their Jersey Shore level six pack is still crystal clear. We could also call this the “myspace shot.”

The I Haven't Changed My Profile Picture in Years

Wait, I didn't know you still played football. Hold on, didn't you get married 10 years ago?

Your profile picture is confusing and does not reflect your current state. Please update asap!

The Professional Headshot
Listen, you look great!

But we all know this isn't what you look like in person.

Pro shots are just cheating :)


The Professional Picture

Know how everyone knows you're a photographer? Your profile picture is a picture of you taking a picture.

Replace photographer with job, add in an associated activity, and boom. You've got that person down pat.

The Partier Picture

There are a few key components to this profile picture: drink in hand, excited expressions, and possibly dancing.

Interesting locations are bonus. All of these pieces come together to say hey, I'm hip, I'm cool, and I'm way more fun than you.

Look at your friend's profiles. Look at your own profile. Visit SiteTalk today!

Interesting stats about the photo we all care about:
  •     10% of all SiteTalk photos are profile photos
  •     Woman upload more profile photos
  •     Every year users change profile photos more often
  •     Profile photos receive attention! The typical profile photo has 3 likes and 2 comments

This data raises some interesting questions:

Why are we uploading profile photos more often every year?
Perhaps, we recognize that having an online presence is now the norm and maintaining it is important. The internet after all has become an integral part of many of our lives, and SiteTalk is only becoming a more primary channel of communication – a channel that ties every message to an online representation of ourselves (our profile page).

Why do women upload new profile photos more often than men?
Perhaps it’s that self-expression is more important to them and this is one form of it. We could also ask if females are simply more vain. What do you think?

(Source: Pixable and Gizmodo)

Welcome to SiteTalk! Have fun!

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